The “Oh S***” Moment I Realised My High Fat Diet Had Wrecked Me.

Steve Collins
3 min readFeb 18, 2019

The high fat people present a solid case.

“Burn fat to lose fat!” I mean, come on — perfect. After all, you’ve got to spend money to..err, lose it?

A high fat diet seems logical — you get far less hungry, you feel really good to begin with, you burn fat and you get to eat butter.

Let’s forget these logical counter-arguments for now:

  1. Your body needs abundant energy to thrive.
  2. Requires sugar (natural or otherwise).
  3. I never thought I’d be some diet weirdo.

I began my high fat diet when my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He recovered, my high fat diet didn’t.

When I started keto/low carb, I felt better. I got leaner, my stomach got smaller and I got to enjoy more fat in my diet which was cool. Before long I could go 10 hours without eating — then 12, then 15. At the time, it felt revolutionary!

Pretty soon I was down to 1 or 2 meals per day — and still dropping weight!

It was all going really well — particularly on instagram, where anything other than perfect body composition for a fitness person is unacceptable.

Before long, a few chinks in my keto/low carb armour began to appear:

  1. I realised actually really enjoy eating food (duh!). I missed my 3 square meals a day.
  2. I kept saying to myself, “I can’t go there, it’s not keto friendly.” Very odd behaviour.
  3. I kept losing weight — but not fat weight. Not good.
  4. I felt tired, weak, hungry-ish, low energy-ish and sluggish (low carb people will know what the -ish means here).

After 15 years of coaching people on diet, a qualified exercise physiologist, PT and sports nutritionist, I had fallen victim to the low carb curse. I had forgotten the most important rule of vibrant, thriving life: energy is required, plenty of it.

Having been low carb for 18 months, my metabolism was at an all time low, I had hardly any muscle left on me and my digestion, hair and skin were in dissarray.

My “Oh s***” moment, apart from the energy thing: I realised I hadn’t taken my wife out for dinner in 6 months. In my defense, there were no keto friendly joints in our hood.

Not a strong defense, you might say. WTF was I doing.

These were my first steps back to carb town:

  1. I started eating sweet potato again. Nothing too crazy.
  2. Fruit became a daily thing for me once again (boy, that helped).
  3. I played around with adding honey to my fruit salad — still no immediate diabetes or fat gain (I actually got leaner right away and my cravings were gone).
  4. I gave myself permission to feel and act like the person I wanted to be: the guy who was vibrant, strong, energetic — and could go chill where he wanted to, regardless of the zero carb offerings of said establishment.

If you’re trapped in a world of restriction because someone on youtube or instagram said that it helped them, after going through what I’ve been through, I can reccommend asking yourself the following:

a) “What is the vision and expectation I have for my life? How did I see my life going when I was younger?

b) “What simple things around food are valuable to me? What freedoms? (perhaps it’s having toast with your eggs?)

c) “What kind of person will I become 3 years from now if I don’t change something? Where will this take me?

If you want to get your energy and vitality back, reset your low carb lifestyle and instead take a less restricitve path to fat loss, I’m inviting you to do my free 5 Day LIFESTYLE RESET. Tap the link and join up — You’ll feel better even by the end of the 5 days.

Or if you’ve already done the LIFESTYLE RESET, you can apply for THE WAY UP here —

